I have tried many ways to work on my self development in years. There is a huge range of options and the best one may be various for everyone. For me, some of the most effective are coaching, dancing and yoga (mindful movement) and concious touch. It’s basically always all about how to begin to perceive your feelings, emotions and your body, and this can direct us to the right path where we will feel satisfied.

The coaching processes have led me to a whole range of realizations and changes in my life. Already during the coaching course I completed, huge changes began to happen in my life. I started to come back to myself more. I became more aware of my feelings, limits and fears and found ways to work with them.

Coaching techniques are amazing because of their simplicity and because they work for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a high-ranking manager or a cleaning lady. We are all human beings with emotions and feelings in our physical body. Our mind and body work on the same principle. But only we ourselves know what is right for us and what fits us the best. And this is what the coaching process helps us discover. Our own personal solutions.

Another field which have brought a lot into my life is conscious touch. It’s been a part of my life since I was little, I just didn’t realize it. It was just so natural to me. Due to some life circumstances I even “disconnected” from my body for some time and was not able to perceive what was happening inside at all. Now thanks to massages I rediscovered the sensitivity of my body and the gift of touch, which was given to me, and I also understood the potential that working with the body offers.

I got a chance to work as a tantric masseuse and this experience changed my life. Conscious touch, whether in the spirit of tantric massage, which awakens our physical and energetic (feeling and emotional) body, completely captivated me. The principle of tantric massage consists in generating energy in the body (sexual, but also any other), increasing it and then sending it to a predetermined intention. And I have to admit that I am constantly surprised by how quickly and effectively this technique works.

For me another important form of conscious touch, also thanks to the whole philosophy behind it, is the Hawaiian Lomi massage technique. Otherwise also called Kahuna bodywork or Lomi-lomi massage. This technique mainly consists in relaxing the body through long strokes over the whole body so that the body can release all blockages and use its own healing potential. Even in this massage, you can work with an intention, and the energy released during the massage in the whole body and in each of its cells helps to realize the intention.

Our mind is great, but sometimes it doesn’t allow us to live our full potential, it protects us too much. Techniques of conscious touch often work on a much less conscious level, but I perceive them as more effective, faster and more direct. It’s amazing what we can change in our lives when working with a conscious touch and with the right intention. Our whole being in all its forms is breathtaking and incredibly powerful.

And so here I am. To share my experiences, my time, my knowledge, Let you feel my touch on your skin and give you my full attention.

I am looking forward to meeting YOU.

Are you interested in anything I do? Contact me.
