Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom in order to bounce back and rise to the surface again.

Sometimes we get to that bottom ourselves by following negative thoughts and beliefs. It’s like we’re lost in murky water and don’t know exactly where to go.

Sometimes we can find our way in muddy water, but sometimes we need a helping hand to find out where the surface is and where to swim.

I was at the bottom myself, and this experience led me to think that I would like to lend a helping hand to others who are in the same situation as I was at that time.

The path to real change is not entirely easy and does not happen like a wave of a magic wand. I have experienced on my own that one-time actions usually do not lead to lasting results. Although they are nice, you have the feeling that suddenly everything will be different. Returning to everyday reality, however, often also means returning to established ruts, patterns of behavior and thinking.

I found that longer-term cooperation, even several months, is much more advantageous. Such work offers long-term support on the way to change and thus more permanent results. For some, it may be more convenient to meet every week, for others only once a month. It all depends on the individual agreement.

In addition to various coaching, meditation and other mindfulness techniques, I also work with ritual cacao and conscious touch. Do not hesitate to contact me about all possible combinations and a tailor-made offer exactly for you.

Because I prefer longer-term cooperation, I offer the first consultation of approx. 30 minutes completely free of charge. It is an opportunity to find out how we feel together and if we feel that our cooperation can bring something positive to both parties.

Every other joint meeting is then priced at CZK 1,000. Meetings vary in length, most often approx. 90-120min.

Are you interested in coaching session? Let me know.
